Book Sizes
Traditional book sizes:
Trade paperbacks, a pretty loose category of books, are often in the 5-1/2″ x 8-1/2″ to 6″ x 9″ range. This page proportion—for instance in the 6″ x 9″ size—of 2:3 has long been considered an ideal for a book page, and you can create good looking books at different sizes but in the same page proportions. Most self-published books are trade paperbacks.
Manuals and workbooks are larger and are in the 8″ x 10″ to 8-1/2″ x 11″ range. This size is also good for directories and instructional books with lots of graphics or detailed drawings to follow. It lends itself to a 2-column text layout which is an efficient use of space.
Novels appear in lots of different sizes but for a shorter book I prefer smaller sizes that seem to be more intimate a reading experience. 5-1/2″ x 8-1/2″ is probably the most popular size.
Short story collections or collections of essays are generally the same size as novels and memoirs
General nonfiction titles seem to come out in 6″ x 9″ making this size arguably the most popular of all. It’s also the most widely used size for hardcover books. When more room is needed on the page, for instance for sidebars or pull quotes, 7″ x 10″ is a frequent solution.
Photography or art books don’t conform to any size. They can be very small, or big and heavy “coffee-table” books. Many artists and photographers prefer books that are square or nearly square. This allows both horizontal and vertical pictures to have about the same amount of white space on the page.
Your out of pocket expense, per book, will vary according to book size, number of pages, number of colored pages, quantity ordered and quality of paper.
**Design, Cover and illustration expenses are not included in the individual pricing of printing your book.
Softcover Book
Large range of sizes: up to 8.5 x 11
Can print 1 to 1,000 copies
Black and white or full color interior pages
Perfect bound binding (the pages and cover are glued together at the spine with a strong yet flexible thermal glue)
A lightweight, durable format perfect for any genre
Expensive, but durable
Large range of sizes: up to 8.5 x 11
Can print 1 to 1,000 copies
Black and white or full color interior pages
Can include a dust jacket
A lightweight, durable format perfect for any genre
EPUB files interior
High resolution jpeg cover
Easily sell on ebook platforms
Integrate onto your website
Tap into the mobile market
Package deals available with print book
Children's Books
Input into your illustrations and what you would like
Different size book options, including square and oversized
Close working relationship with the illustrator
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