COPPA Compliance | Lisa Albinus
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COPPA Compliance

 In compliance with COPPA regulations, parental consent is required for any information collected from children under 13. We adhere strictly to this policy, ensuring that personal information is only obtained with explicit parental permission. When parents provide their child's information, they do so with full consent and understanding of our privacy practices. Rest assured, we prioritize the protection and privacy of all our users, especially minors, in accordance with COPPA guidelines.


In accordance with COPPA regulations, it's important to note that Procreate (or Procreate Pocket) is a drawing app utilized in these classes. Procreate and Pocket Procreate do not collect, utilize, or disclose personal information from children. Procreate does not require any of the following personal information: first and last name, home or other physical address, online contact information, screen or user name functioning as online contact information, telephone number, Social Security number, persistent identifier for recognizing a user over time and across different websites or online services, photograph, video, or audio file containing a child's image or voice, geolocation information sufficient to identify street name and city or town, or information about the child or parents combined with an identifier collected online.


This app is available for purchase through the App Store as a one-time transaction, with no additional communication or logging in required to access it. Once purchased, there is no further need for contact or account creation to access the app.


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